Believe it or not, Christmas is quickly approaching. I usually like for my children to try to make something hand crafted or decorated by their little hands to add a little extra flair to packages for Aunts, Uncles, Grandmas, Grandpa’s and other close friends. Last year, we made individual Gingerbread ornaments to tie onto the ribbon of the gift we were giving.
With everyone’s budget being negatively affected here recently, I think it is important for us to try and hold onto as many pennies as we can, therefore, I share with you, our Christmas gift for our friends and family this year. This year, Jacob and Wylie will be making beaded bracelets or necklaces for Aunt’s, Grandma’s and other female friends. To give their gift a more personal touch, we are going to make our own beads as well! I know you gasp thinking this is going to be messy and difficult, but if you follow the recipe below, you will have a recipe for smiles and success on Christmas morning.
Learn to make your very own homemade beads with this family craft. Turn plain bread into colorful masterpieces and create necklaces, bracelets, holiday themed gifts and more.
What you'll need:
· one loaf of white bread
· white craft glue
· acrylic paint
· podgy or acrylic sealer
· plastic lacing or yarn
· straws
· bowl
· paint brushes
How to make it:
1. Begin by having the children tear the slices of bread into really small bits and placing them into the bowl. (Note that the crusts should be taken off before you begin to tear the bread up). After all the bread slices have been shredded, pour the white glue into the bowl with the bread and form a dough -- mixing with your hands. I recommend that an adult do the mixing (and yes it is really gross but just remember that the finished product is quite nice). I also recommend that the glue be added a bit at a time so as not to add too much glue to the dough.
3. Once the dough is mixed, divide it among the participants and have them form small balls for beads or any other desired shape. If you are making beads, use the straws to poke a hole into the balls for string to be put through.
4. Let the modeled dough sit to dry for about 1-2 days.
5. When the beads seem hard, use acrylic paint to color. When the paint is dry, glaze with either craft Podge or a spray acrylic sealer.
6. String with plastic lacing or yarn(I prefer the plastic lacing because it is more durable.
Thanks for reading and happy beading!
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This is where I found this recipe.
Laura Robinson